The story of Maji de Watashi ni KoiShinasai! game revolves around Kawakami City which is famous for its strong dedication to its samurai ancestors. The most important factor in the success of the school is its culture to values the fighting spirit. Yamato and his close friends have known each other since they were young….is there any secret behind it!?! Things start to change no longer after they welcome two new girls to their group.Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! Crack the sequel to the anime-style visual novel. The game refers to the visual novel series of the same name, Love Me Seriously! Set in a city called Kawakami. This town is famous for its samurai past and honors the heritage of its ancestors. The people of Kawakami appreciate the spirit of competition and struggle.
Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! Torrent Download A takes the player to the city of Kawakami, whose population is strongly devoted to their samurai ancestors. In schools, factors such as honor and healthy morale are important and are valued among students and teachers. Martial arts, where the samurai spirit is revered, have been introduced into the curriculum for a long time. Training helps you solve problems through strength and refined skills.
Yamato Nao did not stand out among other students with certain abilities. His friends excelled in martial arts and had special skills in this field. Narration “Majikoy!!” This is Yamato, a second-year student at Kawakami Academy. The main character is in the company of three girls and three boys. Each of them has other acquaintances and friends, but the group of seven people is especially friendly. They meet often, discuss a lot and are always ready to help. They even founded a secret base where they often meet.
Sorenovatelnym’s spirit manifests itself in everything, even in elementary school, not to mention sporting events. Ancient Martial Arts Introduced into School Curriculum. Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! The free download tells the story of heroes who prefer to solve issues by force rather than by skill or knowledge. Especially the latter is not very favored by the local population. The protagonist Yamato Naoe doesn’t stand out with many fighting skills, which makes him a bit of an outsider at his school.
System Requirements:
- OS: Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10
- Processor: INTEL 2.3 GHz Dual Core
- RAM: 1 GB
- Video Memory: 256 MB
- Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
- DirectX: 9.0c
- Hard Drive: 10 GB free
How to install:
- Download all parts from the download links given below.
- Right-click on the 1st part and click on Extract here”.
- Other parts will be automatically extracted.
- You need Winrar installed to do it.
- Now Right-click on the extracted Iso file and click on Extract here again.
- OR You can also open iso with software called “UltraISO”.
- Click on the Mount to virtual drive” icon on the 3rd bar on top of UltraISO to mount it.
- Then go to the virtual drive and open it.
- This is usually just after My Computer.
- Once mounted or extracted, Right-click on the file named Setup.
- exe” and click on “Run As Administrator” to start the game installation.
- Wait for it to install the game on your PC.
- Once the installation is complete, open the folder named Crack copy all the files from there, and paste them into the directory where you have installed the game.
- For example, if you have installed the game in My Computer > Local Disk C > Program files >Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai!” then paste those files into this directory.
- Click on replace if it asks for it.
- Right-click on the game icon .exe and then click on Run as Administrator to start the game.
- Enjoy.
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